Cube is a fun, fast and stable economy Discord bot.

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Why choose Cube?

There are several reasons to choose Cube over other bots for running your economy:

1. We are open source.

All of the source code for the bot is freely available on GitHub. Want to add a new mini-game into the bot which you think will benefit other users? You can make a pull request. If we agree, we'll merge it into the main branch which the main instance of the bot pulls from. On the other hand do you have specialised functionality which you need for your guild? No problem! All of the Docker/Kubernetes files you need to deploy Cube yourself are in the repository.

2. Self-hosting is not required.

Due to everything being per-guild by design, self-hosting is not required to change something like, for example, the emoji used for currency. Instead, you can use our intuitive configuration menu to do this!

3. The official instance is hosted using the latest technologies.

Hosted using DigitalOcean managed Kubernetes/Redis in the NYC3 region, you can ensure you will always have good latency with Cube with minimal downtime. Updates are preformed 1 shard at a time as opposed by shutting down the whole bot, massively reducing downtime. This leads to a WebSocket latency of usually around 30ms.

4. We have a highly extensive and growing economy system.

Our economy system supports custom emojis for currency, random drops (with a configurable custom image URL if wanted), custom balances, setting balances of users for administrators, giving currency to other users and a highly customisable role shop for buying roles with the money (with a toggle for role trials if you want to allow people to trial the role).